Friday, May 8, 2009

Mark Schauer Performs at Spring Arbor University-- Law and Politics Society Panel

Young Econ/PoliSci students at Spring Arbor University hosted Congressman Schauer with a truly astute panel of questioners, but the responses were nothing more than warmed over talking points which seemed to satisfy the students--they apparently haven't had the opportunity to look at both sides of an issue before hearing his opinion. The President of the University and a couple others were fawning fans of the Congressman or else I have been away from academia for so long I've forgotten that is SOP.

I did tape the hour+ long presentation, so will pick out a few quotes for tomorrow's blog if you're interested.

For today I'd like to clean up my desk and note a couple of observations from last week. 1) Re the abortion subject yesterday, the only point I think pro life and pro abortion people can agree on would be that both sides would like fewer problem pregnancies. 2)Last week when the President was addressing the CIA someone fainted. The President's response: "Oh, did someone faint? Is there an EMT here? This happened all the time during my campaign." 3) When making reference to a personal catastrophe he remarked "My thoughts and prayers go out to them." Give me a break. Since he has gone to such great lengths to deny the religiosity of this country I wonder what that means. At first I was concerned that he didn't say "we" as the country's leader and spokesman, but now I'm thinking I don't want him speaking for me in matters of faith.

Which does remind me of one comment from Schauer today. There must be a directive to all Congressmen from the White House that they should blame their predecessors if at all possible. When he was talking about his experience with Head Start and education from "cradle to career" he brought up Tim Walberg pointing out that his was the only vote against the Head Start legislation last year because the bill spoke to being sure that churches running Head Start programs in their churches would have to hire gays and atheists. Hardly necessary.

Sleep well. God bless............


Alan In Ann Arbor said...

Good grief, this just isn't true. Walberg was babbling about 'wiccan covens in Ann Arbor', something not ONE other Republican was moronic enough to use as an argument. Walberg was out of touch with the District and lost and wasn't just protecting christians and straight people. Your comments are not correct.

Anonymous said...

You'll be interested to know that our school is heavily conservative, so the impression that you got is definitely the minority.

Anonymous said...

Tim Walberg repeatedly made off the wall comments like Alan is describing. And, did anyone see his letter endorsing Mike Nofs? Walberg misspelled Schauer all the way through it. Schauer whooped him and Walberg doesn't even take the time to learn how to spell his name. He was classless, irrational and, indeed, out of touch with reality. Now I only hope he is humble enough to walk away. Something tells me he isn't.