Sunday, July 25, 2010

Bouchard in Town

This just in: Joe Arpaio, toughest Sheriff in Arizona and many agree in the entire country, has just endorsed Mike Bouchard!

Please don't forget to drop by the King Center between 5 and 6 or Spring Arbor McDonald's between 6:30 and 7:30 this evening.

And don't forget that there is still ample opportunity to file an intent to run for precinct delegate as a write in preferably by next Friday but it can be done on the day of the election at the polling place. Just know that the latest filings will slow down the process for everyone.

And don't forget what his financial advisors have been saying about keeping taxes low and diminishing pending. They realize the importance of the process. You wouldn't know it, however, with the President in campaign mode and criticizing John Boehner for saying exactly the same thing. He is still pointing fingers at Bush and completely forgetting that he has added 1.3 trillion to the national debt in his short time of 1.5 years.

Lastly, don't forget to encourage your friends to vote on August 3rd.

God bless.........

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