Monday, August 3, 2009

Mike Nofs for 19th District Senate Seat

If there are any Jackson or Calhoun county readers out there who live in the 19th Senate District please do not forget to vote Tuesday for Mike Nofs!

Now that the Fix Michigan office is open in Jackson, we have a more efficient system to work within in order to accomplish our goals. It is in downtown Jackson, around the corner and south from the City Hall on Jackson St. just a few steps from Michigan avenue. Mike Marzano will be tickled to death to greet you and give you an opportunity to spend some time on the campaign.

One of our efforts this month includes visiting Mr. Schauer's office on Thursday afternoons beginning with next week. Since he won't hold Town Hall meetings we will at least let him know how much we would appreciate his representation of the district rather than the more liberal areas of the country. Perhaps some of you could make an appointment to have a personal encounter with him, preferably on a Thursday?

Has anyone heard the real story of why the Justice Department is not going to investigate/prosecute the Black Panthers in Pennsylvania who stood in the doorway wielding billy clubs in last November's election?

And does anyone have any thoughts on how we can force transparency to find out where the 53,000 jobs in Michigan will be plus the "millions" throughout the country on the "shovel ready" projects which we all presumed would be started within a month, or at the most two months after passage of the stimulus package? They have repeated those figures frequently enough by now that most folks are appearing to accept them. NO WAY! We need to know!!

After spending most of the day reminiscing with my husband of 59 years on our anniversary today there's not a boatload of new information this evening. We'll do better tomorrow.

God bless.............

ps-Has it occurred to anyone else that the surviving dealers of cars have benefited twice? First they legally stole the dealerships of their competitors and now they have the "best sales" since Hector was a pup. There would be no sales records if those sales were spread over the number of dealers from last year. Think about it.

1 comment:

Brad Flory said...

Regarding the car dealers, they should be worried that sales will be worse than ever when Cash for Clunkers ends. There must be a lot of pent-up demand for cars as people have put off buying as long as possible in the current economy. I am not sure the government is doing anything but moving up sales that would otherwise have come (without government intervention) in the next few months, anyway. Anyone who expects to buy a car within the next year or so is probably considering doing it right now for obvious reasons. It is troubling that so many people declare this program a success simply because it caused a spike in sales. Duh.