Saturday, June 6, 2009

Questions # 4 and 5 for Secretary of State Candidates

#4 - What do you consider your particular accomplishments?

Anne-My record shows that I have the drive and courage to give effective and responsive government service. My office generates millions in revenue and we have a terrific team of 23 full and part-time employees with a combined service of 230 years. I am a proven vote-getter having received the most votes in the last 6 presidential elections and unseating a 24 year Democrat to start.

As mentioned before Calhoun county had experience with all four voting systems in Michigan's march toward optical scanners state wide. And while I am proud of Calhoun county I need to stress that elections are true state and local partnerships. Michigan's record of election administration and innovation is outstanding and teamwork is a key reason. Michigan has excellent voter registration numbers and groups like ACORN should be concentrating on encouraging voters to go to the polls. Voter turnout, not registration, is the real issue.

Cameron-I've passed a long list of bills during my time in the legislature - everything from a ban on partial birth abortion to tax credits that will attract logistical and warehousing facilities to our state. But I consider my greatest accomplishment to be my dedication to my Republican values through thick and thin.

For example, when Gov. Granholm tried to reward big campaign donors with a no-bid contract to build an ill-equipped $90 million State Police Headquarters, I was one of only a few Republicans willing to stand up and oppose this gross waste of taxpayer dollars. There was intense pressure to compromise our core conservative principles of limited government and fiscal responsibility, but I refused. Now, 100 State Police troopers are on the verge of being laid off while a lavish new headquarters is being completed in Lansing for those who remain on the job. This is simply irresponsible.
I've taken tough stands on tough issues like this throughout my career.

Michelle-I am proud of my record of legislative accomplishments. In the House, one of the more significant things I worked on was getting the informed consent for abortion legislation signed into law. I also was a leader for Gov. Engler's tax cuts and welfare reform initiatives, among others.

In the Senate, I spearheaded the fight against partial birth abortion in Michigan by sponsoring legislation to define when a person was considered "born" and therefore eligible for full legal protection. After that bill was vetoed by the governor, it became the basis for the "People's Override." a citizens' initiative that received overwhelming support from Michigan residents. Also, it was gratifying to act as a watchdog in the Appropriations Committee helping attain fiscal responsibility.

#5-Let's get to politics: How do you think your candidacy can help the Republican ticket?

Cameron-Frankly, voters have had a hard time in recent years telling the difference between Republicans and Democrats. Michigan Republicans must nominate candidates who can not only articulate our party's core values, but who have proven records of defending these values through thick and thin. I am such a candidate. During my time in the legislature, I've earned a reputation for taking on touch issues and defending my core conservative principles - the rights of the unborn, limited government and protecting our constitutional rights - whether politically popular or not. These aren't just bullet points on a campaign brochure - they're my guiding principles, and I will give voters a clear, conservative choice for Secretary of State.

Michelle-If the last election cycle taught us anything, it was that successful candidates must be self-reliant, start campaigning early and most importantly, have a winning campaign strategy. Despite not having the traditional primary election that the statewide candidates for Governor are experiencing, my aggressive campaign strategy has me traveling all over the state meeting with the kinds of people and groups that will also make me a strong candidate in the general election.

Anne-I am a proven vote-getter, even though I am a staunch Republican in a Democratic county. The message of a true Republican shines through. I am convinced that the answers to our state's challenges lie in the common-sense wisdom of its people. Republicans meet our deadlines, pay our bills and spend our money wisely. We expect nothing less from Lansing. I fear the flames of the adventuresome spirit, creativity and determination that motivated the visionaries like Henry Ford which are ingrained in Michigan's workers might be snuffed out by over-regulation and burdensome taxation. I am passionate about private property rights and Second Amendment rights. As is evident throughout these questions, I am a team player which translates into support from the top of the ticket on down.

Note: The question of having a Republican May convention rather than August of 2010 is up in the air at this time since the policy committee turned it down. If it is brought up at a later date we'll just put it up in a later posting. It was #6.

The Wings are ahead 5-0 as we say good bye tonight!

Sleep well and God Bless..............

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