Sunday, June 14, 2009

Abolish Subsidies

I'm thinking that one way to save a whole lot of money is to just do away with all subsidies. They won't outlaw tobacco but they want to regulate it and tax it, but they still subsidize it, right?

What about all the hullabaloo about everyone eating too much junk food. Much of which contains sugar. Now they have a campaign going to keep us away from sugar but they still subsidize it, right?

If they do the Cash for Clunker thing, isn't that a subsidy? Especially for Fiat?

Farmers are going to be told what they can plant, how much they can plant and do they still get cash for idle acres? A subsidy on the one hand and a restriction on the other.

Play or pay--
That is nothing more than what anyone not a politician would call a threat or a promise or just plain blackmail. Bribery comes to mind and all of this just plain is not the kind of lessons we want to teach the young people of the future. Talk about an uneven playing field.

And speaking of that, shouldn't the union bosses have a czar to determine what their salaries should be? Another one I forgot to mention the last time we broached this subject is charitable organizations like the Red Cross and United Way. If other non-profits are under government restrictions, certainly those who take money from those who believe they are helping a good cause should know that it's not going into the pockets of the executives.

On the other hand, let's start the week with a chuckle or two.

Non Sequiter has had an ongoing conversation between a couple kids and a Martian who admitted that "Martians sent us the program for Twitter as a joke."

And Frank and Ernest are sitting in front of the fireplace with cigars and brandy and the caption "What could be more appropriate than using bailouts for golden parachutes?"

And last, Zits' friend says "You said THAT?? Dude, your mom must have had a total hissy fit!" to which Zits answers "Not really. After sixteen years of me she says she's running our of hissy."

And just about the time I hear something more outrageous than the day before and am on my last hissy, along comes another one. As far as the eye can see, there is an endless supply of hissy as poor Zits will find out.

In the meantime, sleep well--

God bless............

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