Sunday, October 25, 2009

Health Care Derailed by Abortion Issue?

Please bear with us here if abortion is not an issue you want to deal with--it has a political influence that cannot be denied.

There will be many more voices calling out the President as a liar based on three statements regarding the funding of abortion in the health care bill if he does not adhere to his promises made at Notre Dame, his pledge that it was not "in his plan" to fund abortion during his speech to Congress and to the nation at large, and as he promised the pope. He is on the public record.

If he keeps his promises, he will veto the plan. In the meantime Bart Stupak, Democrat from the first district of Michigan is trying to get 40-42 House members to coalesce against any abortion funding in the House plan or final plan. I don't remember my source but I recall 38 as the number of strong pro life Democrat Congressmen and he will want a cushion. Of course the Republican block will have to stand firm. The cushion will be needed for a few pro choice Republicans.)

Stupak says he is counting votes for a rules vote to stop any vote at all by the full House on health care reform. A rules vote is required before any legislation can reach the floor for a vote. H says the coalition will be able to stop the health care reform bill and then hopefully get the floor vote the pro life lawmakers want and Pelosi is denying under any other circumstance.

The president is in a rather delicate spot. He campaigned on transparency and hasn't provided it plus other battles he is presently waging against the Chamber of Commerce and other areas a bit out of his control as we speak. How he plans to satisfy both the pro abortion factions of Planned Parenthood and NOW plus the Democrat Catholics who really wanted to believe in him but are beginning to doubt him, is just beyond me. This is called eating your cake and having it too, but this is usually an impossible situation. And he needed those Catholics. Can he win without them?

I erred when I mentioned that Bob Casey, Jr. was carrying the torch for his father. It turns out he believes "We shouldn't have this debate be an impediment to getting a bill passed."

Most of this comes from a Catholic publication,"Our Sunday Visitor," a weekly paper which also announced the new U.S. ambassador to the Vatican as Miguel Diaz, a theologian who taught at St. John's University and the College of St. Benedict in Minnesota. The Pope, in accepting his credentials from the United States, recalled "with pleasure" his meeting with President Obama and further stated "...I think particularly of the need for a clear discernment with regard to issues touching the protection of human dignity and respect for the inalienable right to life from the moment of conception to natural death, as well as the protection of the right to conscientious objection on the part of health care workers, and indeed all citizens."

We will watch, wait and pray--
God bless.........

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