Sunday, September 20, 2009

Miscellaneous Wrap-up

I was looking for the Attorney General questions for reference and realized that there were a lot more comments than I remembered seeing. Realized that they don't always appear within a day or two, so opened several.

Came upon one in which the reader called me a retard because I indicated Tesla was a foreign car company and he/she said it was American. Well, folks, you know by now that one of my resource people is my husband who spent his career as an automotive parts supplier and to this day his reading includes Wards Automotive, Car and Driver, SAE Automotive Engineering and anything else someone pushes his way. It was he who brought to my attention the article about our government's largesse to companies developing electric cars and appeared upset over the Tesla millions.

So, in actuality I gave you bad information and I'm sorry if you quoted me. However, technically I'm not so sure. Apparently there will be manufacturing facilities in several countries when they are up and running according to their website. Also, in digging into press releases and archives it is apparent that financing/ownership comes from many sources including Daimler, Abu Dabai's Aabar Investments and London-based Fjord Capital partners. Tesla said there were other investors who requested their names not be disclosed.

If your curiosity is piqued, feel free to dig around and we would appreciate it if you were to share anything new with us. It sounds like quite a story. Does this really make me a retard? Frankly, I question the good manners of my critic, but it takes all kinds.

Michael Moore would be homeless were it not for capitalism. 'Nuff said.

According to one pundit today in defending Obama's promise to add not one dime to the deficit, the way to keep that promise is by limiting services. Duh----

Olympia Snowe will just change her R to a D or I, no problem. Jeffords did it.

Ohio's Dennis Kucinich is absolutely livid because the CIA intentionally "leaked" news of a potential terrorist act just when Congress is getting ready to set some limitations on the Patriot Act. He is so concerned about freedoms we might lose to gain security. Yet, he is in constant lockstep with Nancy Pelosi and Obama on any other legislation. The loss of freedoms, penalties and invasion of privacy through the Health Care bills are much more real and expensive to me on a personal level than anything that would affect me in the Patriot Act.

Had a good time at the Reagan BBQ in Jackson County with a good representation of candidates in the upcoming elections. We are so blessed to have so much talent to choose from.

God bless..........

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