Sunday, August 28, 2011

Poor President Obama--BooHoo-Jobs Plan? Really?

He keeps getting caught between that rock and that hard place. How is he going to do anything constructive about jobs and continue placating all his leftist supporters? Last I heard, there has been a net loss of 900,000 jobs since his inauguration. Maybe he'd like to work on those first.

Here's an idea: You've heard about the Trans Canada pipeline which would send oil from the Alberta tar sands and go down to the refineries in Oklahoma and Texas? Have you also heard that the only thing stopping them is the fact that the State Department has to approve the whole thing because it crosses the 49th parallel?

The building of that pipeline and peripheral jobs would net 131,000 jobs at one fell swoop along with the $20 billion investment. Oh, by the way, 13,000 of those jobs would be union jobs. Sorry, guys.

First we have to have all the environmental impact statements from 8 of our finest regulatory agencies plus State. How's that going? Well, the first request was made back in 2008 with a report finally being issued in April of last year. The big 5 were EPA, DOT, USDA, DOI, DOE plus a few smaller entities. The report actually said there appeared to be little risk to the environment.

Stop! EPA speaking and forcing another study which resulted in 8 volumes. That also resulted in "no significant impact" on the environment. So is it a done deal? No-o-o-o. Now we have to have a 90 day review to see if the project is in the national interest. Economics, energy, security, foreign policy--you name it--will all have something to say.

The State Dept. will have public comment, both in person and online and hold hearings in the six states which will be crossed plus Washington, D. C. And guess what, the Executive Order also says it should have comment from 8 of the involved agencies.

Does anyone want to bet how important 131,000 jobs and enough oil to equal the entire production equal to the 830,000 barrels a day produced by Oman in the Arabian Peninsula is to the President?

Doesn't he keep saying the Republicans should keep politics out of the job problem? Again leading from behind.

Please, God, bless us...

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