Thursday, June 24, 2010

7th District Meeting

Met in Eaton County this evening and just returned home.

Just a few announcements.

If you didn't make the deadline to get your name on the ballot as a precinct delegate by the filing deadline, you may still file an intent to run with your township, city or county clerk by the Friday before the election and write your own name in with i think it is two other people and you're in.

Actually, you may also do it at the last minute at the polling place, but it will be a real glitch for the poll workers and they will not be happy with you. In fact, the people who count the votes and the Board of Canvassers as well will be very, very inconvenienced. Please try to make it easier on everyone.

If you know you're going to be away on election day, you can get your absentee ballot now. Again, don't wait until the last minute.

The Republican County Conventions will be August 12 and the State Convention will be August 28th, so put that on your calendar if you are a precinct delegate and think you might like to go to the state convention.

Any questions?
Fair season is starting-
God bless.........

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