Sunday, August 8, 2010

Weekly Wrap-up

Second thought time: Sunday evening is the better time for gathering information rather than Saturday.

First priority: I would like to make a suggestion that we all touch base with friends, family and the candidates strongly suggesting that unless they make a pledge NOT to pass detrimental lame duck legislation they will not get our vote. Not sure how much good it might do, but like chicken soup, probably wouldn't hurt.

Second priority: Now that we have nominated the gubernatorial candidates, we know their differences. For instance, for the pro life people, even though it is my understanding that Rick Snyder's position is weakened by support for embryonic stem cell research. The first thing we do is pray that we can change his mind on this, but bottom line, that is far superior to Virg Bernaro's extreme pro abortion position.

Next, if you read this early enough, there is a rally sponsored by the Americans for Prosperity meeting at the tanning salon just north of the CVS pharmacy across the street from Schauer's office at West and Ganson. There will be a counter demonstration so it would be helpful if you could join the crowd.

One of my resources just returned from a few days vacation in Europe with his son who is stationed in Germany. He reported that probably because of the large Muslim influx they found Al Jezeera television with English subtitles in all the hotels. The most interesting show he ran across was a critique of Al Gore which was anything but flattering. Interesting, right?

Have a good week--
God bless.........

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