Monday, February 7, 2011

Pretty Is As Pretty Does...

Just a phrase that Momma used to use when she thought it was time to bring her daughters down a notch or two. It comes to mind after hearing the message from Obama to the Chamber of Commerce today. When I first turned on the radio, I could have sworn I was hearing a quote of something that a Republican had said and the Prez was quoting. And then came the "other side of the story" and what he was prepared to do such as telling us the difference between "good" and "bad" regulations ie., good are those he likes and bad are those he doesn't like and don't you ever forget it!

Brings to mind that he uses "my" when talking about "his" administration or "his" cabinet member. Frankly, if he didn't have such an ego he might realize that this is not "his" country, it's OUR country. How about using the Royal We concept and refer to us as a group rather than making us think that everything belongs to him and if we're good little girls and boys he might let us go along for the ride.

And every time he tries to tell us we need to work together someone should remind him that he planted a subliminal seed when he told McCain that he should remember who won and deal with it--words to that effect, but certainly not forgotten. It's tough not to have a Pavlovian response when he lectures us on compromise.

Now Michelle's latest attempt to throw her weight around (pun intended) to intimidate restaurants into serving smaller portions "for our own good" of course, is an abomination in a country where free enterprise is where we shine. In fact, I'd like to have her tout her body fat measurement before she casts stones at the rest of us and our kids. I still think the answer to the latter is to let some of the buses sit in their barns and make the kids walk to school and back again. Just think, it would help kids physically and save money on transportation as well.

Does anyone else think that 'truth in advertising' should include pricing out the cost of KWH in ads or public service announcements pushing green power? Wonder how to get that done....

Just a little more wondering: heard a scientist describing the expansion of the universe the other day and he said "again" which would mean that since we are seeing the light from stars that are probably already dead, having taken millions of years for the light to reach our visibility zone, that the universe will expand billions of years from now to extinction. For us, no worries, but the fact that he said "again" tells me that there has already been an ebb and flow so why is it not possible for another decrease and how long might this go on? Just a thought...

Forecast is for really, really cold weather midweek, so bundle up and,
God bless...

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